Leading Organization: UC Leuven-Limburg (BE)


  • To provide a framework, an overview of the behavioural management systems or principles according to which the participating countries shape their approach of children with SEBD​
  • This framework enhances both the collection of educational materials (O2) and the behavioural management hub (O3) and can be used to advice European policy making​.

The Survey will be aimed to answer the following research questions:

  1. How the government of the nations involved in the project address the behavior management at school?​
  2. Which theoretical models and techniques are used by national educational systems and teachers to manage problem behaviors at schools?​
  3. Which is the role of technologies in the management of behaviors (if any)? Which tools are used?​

Survey's target:

  • teachers participating to the training activities (C1 - C5)
  • teachers participating to the BMH (O3) or through other channels (i.e. Internet, partners’ network of teachers, etc.).
