The BEHAVE project aims to promote a transnational culture about some of the most effective strategies to approach Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) in classroom among primary school teachers. European selected schools and their educational staff will be the target of the project.
BEHAVE’ aims
- Develop and disseminate to teachers across Europe innovative tools to deal with students with SEBD, an ever-growing group of students that present serious risks of school failure and social exclusion.
- Promoting the synergy between institutions dedicated to research, training, and intervention and instructive contexts, to empower the teachers to use the most innovative strategies to tackle students with SEBD and, sustain them in the use of evidence-based processes of behavioural observation.
- The resources that will arise from the development of the different project outputs will be centred in the early recognition of the students with SEBD to guarantee them a better quality of teaching and learning opportunities, not only inside the school and classroom settings, but also in their main life contexts.
Specific activities will be designed to train teachers in managing the challenges of teaching students with SEBD and to become capable to respond constructively and effectively to their special needs.
To reinforce and enlarge the teachers’ capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods, a Mobility European Programme for teachers will be implemented.
The transnational characteristic of the project will facilitate the analysis and comparison of several widely intervention “packages”, with constant regard to evidence-based solutions, providing an insight into different management strategies and improving the view for potential errors and sources of risk.
A specialized European partnership will be involved to carry out the development of the main project priorities.