
03 - Multiplier event (E1)

Date 1st -28th February 2019
Host Institution Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche
Location Palermo (Italy)

The testing is an iterative process carry out during the development phase. The test consists in the active involvement of stakeholders with the aim to evaluate the user interface usability of the BEHAVE application.

The ITD organized two different testing actions. One within the group:

  • the internal testing involved the researchers of ITD during the whole lifetime of the project;
  • the external testing included:
    • a first preliminary test of an alpha version within the partnership
    • a second wider test with the 66 teachers participating to the training activities of the project.

Stakeholders were invited to evaluate the features of the application and the usability of user interface from different devices like mobile tools or workstations according to many criteria, collaborating with the development team, and providing them with proper adjustments and specific feedbacks before the final release of the application.